Reversible Shopping Tote Project



  • 80cm of 112cm wide printed cotton fabric (outer)
  • 80cm of 112cm wide printed cotton fabric (inner)
  • 80cm of fusible interfacing or thin padding
  • 20cm by 26cm piece of peltex for the base
  • Scissors, Pins, Tape measure/ruler, Iron
  • Sewing machine & matching thread
  • Optional


Step 1.

Cut out the following sized pieces from each of the two fabrics:

- 2x 40cm high by 38cm wide (front & back)
- 2x 40cm high by 22cm wide (sides)
- 1x 38cm long by 22cm wide (base)
- 2x 60cm long by 5cm wide (straps)

*If using interfacing or padding to the bag, apply to the back of all of the outer fabric pieces.

Step 2.

With right sides facing, pin the each of the side outer pieces to each of the sides of the front outer piece. Sew together with a 1.5cm seam allowance stopping the stitching 1.5cm up from the base edge. With right sides facing pin the outer back piece to the other side of the two side outer pieces. Sew together as before making the fabric into a continuous loop. Press open seams.

Step 3.

With right sides facing, pin the outer base to each of the matching length sides of the base of the outer loop fabric. Sew together, pivoting at each corner of the base. Clip corners of base and turn right way out, press.
*If applying Peltex to the base of the bag, trim Peltex to fit inside the base of the outer bag within the seam stitching of base.
Repeat to make the inner bag using the same method. Leave the inner bag wrong way out and omitting the peltex.

Step 4.

With right sides facing, pin one of the outer straps to one of the inner straps along one of the long sides. Sew together with a 1cm seam allowance. Press under 1cm along the remaining long sides. With the right sides out, press strap along seam and align pressed under edges. Pin and then top stitch along both long edges 5mm in from outer edges.Repeat with remaining strap fabric pieces to create other strap.

Step 5.

Press under 1.5cm along the top edge of the sewn outer and inner bag pieces. Place the inner bag inside the outer bag aligning all seams and upper edges. Pin together.

Measure in 7cm from the left top side edge of the front outer bag insert one end of one of the straps with fabric matching to front by 4cm. Pin in place through all layers. Without twisting the strap, insert the other end of the strap 7cm in from the right side top edge of the front outer bag, pin in place.
Repeat to insert the other strap to the back outer side of the bag.

Top stitch around the outer top edge of the bag 5mm down from the top edge. Sew another row of top stitching 3cm down from the top edge around the whole bag, securing the straps with the rows of top stitching.

The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store.



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