Mesh Produce Bags Project



  • Mesh Fabric
    • Large: 45cm x 120cm
    • Medium: 30cm x 90cm
    • Small: 20cm x 60cm
  • Contrast Fabric
    • Large: 45cm x 15cm
    • Medium: 30cm x 15cm
    • Small: 20cm x 15cm
  • Drawstring Cord
    • Large: 120cm
    • Medium: 80cm
    • Small: 60cm
  • Toggles
  • Thread
  • Pins
  • One safety pin
  • Sewing Machine
  • Sharp scissors OR rotary cutter and self healing mat
  • Iron


  1. Fold mesh fabric in half so that your shape measures 45x60cm (Large), 30x45cm (Medium) or 20x30cm (Small).
  2. With a straight stitch and 1cm from the edge, sew down both the long sides of the mesh fabric to the edge.
  3. Use a zigzag stitch to sew along the seam allowance to make the seam more secure. Turn inside out.
  4. Sew along the short edges of the contrast fabric with a zigzag stitch.
  5. Fold in half, right sides together to create a long strip. Press.
  6. Using a straight stitch, sew down the long side of the contrast fabric 1cm from the cut (i.e. non-folded) edge, creating a tube.
  7. Turn the tube of contrast fabric inside out so the seam is on the inside. You can use a safety pin to make this process easier. Simply pin it to one end and use it to work that end through the tube until it is the right way in.
  8. Fold in 5mm at the end of each tube. Press.
  9. Starting at the side with the seam, sew down the short side of the tube 2mm from the edge, pausing 1.5cm from the folded edge.
  10. With needle down, lift sewing machine foot and turn fabric ready to sew across the long side. Foot down, sew to 2mm from the other end staying 1.5cm from the folded edge until you are 2mm away from the short side.
  11. With the needle down, lift sewing machine foot and turn fabric ready to sew across the remaining short side. Put the foot back down nad sew to the edge. This has now created the drawstring pocket along the folded side of the fabric.
  12. Take the mesh bag and fold over 5mm of fabric at the opening and press.
  13. Pin the strip of contrast fabric (using the seam edge) underneath the 5mm fold on the mesh bag so that the two short ends of the contrast fabric meet at one of the bag's seams.
  14. Using a straight stitch, sew on top of the mesh bag where the contrast fabric is pinned. Press.
  15. Thread the drawstring through the drawstring pocket. The safety pin technique you used for turning will also help with threading.
  16. Thread both ends of the drawstring through the toggle, knotting each one approximately 3cm from its end.


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