Protea Painting with Acrylic Inks Project

Level: Intermediate

What you'll need:


Reference the downloadable project sheet for project pattern diagrams.

Step 1 - Arrange your workspace so that the fresh Protea flower is directly in front of your watercolour paper. Begin to sketch the protea using light pressure. Start with basic shapes to gauge the scale and proportion of the flower before then moving into details of each petal and leaf.

Once you are happy with your sketch it is time to use the eraser to lighten it. With a light pressure remove any unnecessary lines. Then lightly move your eraser over your drawing to lift off excess graphite. Your drawing should be very light and barely visible.

Step 2 - Create a dull purple by mixing the following colours together:

  • 45% Ultramarine blue
  • 45% Quinacridone Magenta
  • 10% Yellow Ochre

The blue and magenta make a lovely vibrate purple, add in the yellow to dull the colour down. The more yellow you add the closer to grey the colour will become.

With this dull purple colour, it's time to create the first tonal wash. Start by mixing the colour with a lot of water till it is very transparent. Apply with wash to the entire painting. Adjust the value of the purple by altering how much water you mix in. Be sure to always mix the water in a new part of the palette and not into the original mix.

Let this layer dry.

Step 3 - With the tonal values in place, it's now time to layer on the other colours. Layering one colour at a time works in the yellow ochre on the protea head and the sap green on the leaves. Continue to add water to adjust the transparency to control the value of the colours.

Working with wet-in-wet adds a small amount of magenta to the protea petals. The wet magenta ink should bleed into the wet yellow creating beautiful gradients of colour. If there is too much moisture on the paper, use the paper towel to blot.

Step 4 - With the basic bright colours laid on, it's now time to darken the shadows. For this you will need to mix the following colours:

Dark Brown (for the base of the petals and stem):

  • 30% Ultramarine Blue
  • 35% Yellow Ochre
  • 35% Magenta

Dark Green (for the leaves):

  • 60% Sap Green
  • 40% Ultramarine Blue

Deep Red (for the mid-tone petals):

  • 60% Magenta
  • 40% Yellow Ochre

When painting on the dark shadows, be careful not to completely cover the previous layers. Let this layer dry.

Step 5 - The last step for this beautiful artwork is to brighten the highlights. One of the best features of using Atelier pigmented inks is the ability to layer light opaque colours on top of dreamy watercolour effects!

Using titanium white (be sure to shake before use) mix light pinks, yellows and greens. Looking at your protea, identify the lightest edges and shapes. With a light pressure and fins lines paint on those highlights with pure ink.

Let your artwork dry and enjoy your high-quality, lightfast creation!

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