Kikki Merino Geometric Jumper Project

Level: Intermediate

What you'll need:

Abbey Road Kikki Merino 150g x 3 (3-4) balls 1st Colour (C1-lilac), 2 (2-3) balls 2nd Colour (C2-pink).

  • 1 pair 7 mm Knitting needles and 7 mm circular needle (40cm) or size required to give correct tension
  • 2 Stitch-holders
  • Scissors
  • Yarn needle
  • Tape measure


Size S (M-L)

To Fit Bust: 85 (95-105-115) cm

Actual Size (approx): 100 (110-120) cm

Length (approx): 59 (60-61) cm

Sleeve Length: 43 cm


12 sts and 17 rows to 10cm over stocking st, using 7 mm needles.


Back And Front (Both alike)

Using pair 7mm needles and C1, cast on 61 (67-73) sts.

Beg Rib - 1st row (RS) - K2, P1, K1, rep from to last st, K1.

2nd row - K1, P1, K1, rep from to end.

Rep 1st and 2nd rows until work measures 6cm from beg, ending with a 2nd row.

Using C1, work 4 rows stocking st.

Beg Colour Work Patt - When changing colours in the middle of a row, twist the colour to be used (on WS) underneath and to the right of the colour just used. Use a separate ball of yarn for each section of colour.

1st row - Using C1, knit to last 7 (10-13) sts, using C2, K7 (10-13).

2nd row - Using C2, P7 (10-13), using C1, purl to end.

3rd row - Using C1, knit to last 12 (15-18) sts, using C2, knit to end.

4th row - Using C2, P12 (15-18), using C1, purl to end.

5th row - Using C1, knit to last 17 (20-23) sts, using C2, knit to end.

6th row - Using C2, P17 (20-23), using C1, purl to end.

7th row - Using C1, knit to last 22 (25-28) sts, using C2, knit to end.

8th row - Using C2, P22 (25-28), using C1, purl to end.

9th row - Using C1, knit to last 27 (30-33) sts, using C2, knit to end.

10th row - Using C2, P27 (30-33), using C1, purl to end.

11th row - Using C1, knit to last 32 (35-38), using C2, knit to end.

12th row - Using C2, P32 (35-38), using C1, purl to end.

13th row - Using C1, knit to last 37 (40-43) sts, using C2, knit to end.

14th row - Using C2, P37 (40-43), using C1, purl to end.

15th row - Using C1, knit to last 42 (45-48) sts, using C2, knit to end.

16th row - Using C2, P42 (45-48), using C1, purl to end.

17th row - Using C1, knit to last 47 (50-53) sts, using C2, knit to end.

18th row - Using C2, P47 (50-53), using C1, purl to end.

19th row - Using C1, K9 (12-15), using C2, knit to end.

20th row - Using C2, purl to last 9 (12-15) sts, using C1, purl to end.

21st row - Using C1, K4 (7-10), using C2, knit to end.

22nd row - Using C2, purl to last 4 (7-10) sts, using C1, purl to end.

Using C2, work 2 rows stocking st.

25th row - Using C1, K4 (7-10), using C2, knit to end.

26th row - Using C2, purl to last 4 (7-10) sts, using C1, P4 (7-10).

27th row - Using C1, K9 (12-15), using C2, knit to end.

28th row - Using C2, purl to last 9 (12-15) sts, using C1, purl to end.

29th row - Using C1, K14 (17-20), using C2, knit to end.

30th row - Using C2, purl to last 14 (17-20) sts, using C1, purl to end.

31st row - Using C1, K19 (22-25), using C2, knit to end.

32nd row - Using C2, purl to last 19 (22-25) sts, using C1, purl to end.

33rd row - Using C1, K24 (27-30), using C2, knit to end.

34th row - Using C2, purl to last 24 (27-30) sts, using C1, purl to end.

35th row - Using C1, K29 (32-35), using C2, knit to end.

36th row - Using C2, purl to last 29 (32-35) sts, using C1 purl to end.

37th row - Using C1, K34 (37-40), using C2, knit to end.

38th row - Using C2, purl to last 34 (37-40) sts, using C1, purl to end.

39th row - Using C1, knit to last 22 (25-28) sts, using C2, knit to end.

40th row - Using C2, P22 (25-28), using C1, purl to end.

41st row - Using C1, knit to last 17 (20-23) sts, using C2, knit to end.

42nd row - Using C2, P17 (20-23), using C1, purl to end.

43rd row - Using C1, knit to last 12 (15-18) sts, using C2, knit to end.

44th row - Using C2, P12 (15-18), using C1, purl to end.

45th row - Using C1, knit to last 7 (10-13), using C2, knit to end.

46th row - Using C2, P7 (10-13), using C1, purl to end.

Using C1, work 2 rows stocking st.

Last 48 rows form patt.

Cont in patt until work measures 38 cm from beg, ending with a purl row.

Tie a coloured thread at each end of last row to mark beg of armholes as there is no armhole shaping.

Cont in patt until work measures approx 13 (14-15) cm from coloured threads, ending with a purl row.

Shape Neck - Next row (RS) - K28 (31-34), turn.

Keeping patt correct, cont on these 28 (31-34) sts and dec one st at neck edge in every row until 24 (27-30) sts rem, then in every foll alt row until 21 (24-27) sts rem.

Cont without shaping until work measures 21 (22-23) cm from coloured threads, ending with a purl row.

Shape Shoulder - Cast off 7 (8-9) sts at beg of next row and foll alt row.

Work 1 row. Cast off rem 7 (8-9) sts.

Slip next 5 sts onto a stitch-holder and leave.

With RS facing, join yarn to rem 28 (31-34) sts and knit to end.

Rep from to , working 1 row more before shoulder shaping.


Using 7mm needles and C1, cast on 29 (31-33) sts.

Beg Rib - Work 4cm in rib as for lower band of Back, ending with a 1st row.

Next row (WS) - P1, inc purlways in next st, P1, rep from to end ... 43 (46-49) sts.

Next row - Knit.

Next row - Purl, inc 7 (4-6) sts evenly across last row ... 50 (50-55) sts.

Work 2 rows stocking st.

Beg Patt - 1st row - Using C1, knit to last 5 sts, using C2, knit to end.

2nd row - Using C2, P5, using C1, purl to end.

3rd row - Using C1, knit to last 10 sts, using C2, knit to end.

4th row - Using C2, P10, using C1, purl to end.

5th row - Using C1, knit to last 15 sts, using C2, knit to end.

6th row - Using C2, P15, using C1, purl to end.

Cont working in this manner, moving colours by 5 sts in every foll alt row until the row - "Using C2, purl to last 5 sts, using C1, P5" has been worked.

Using C2, work 2 rows stocking st.

Next row - Using C1, K5, using C2, knit to end.

Next row - Using C2, purl to last 5 sts, using C1, P5.

Next row - Using C1, K10, using C2, knit to end.

Next row - Using C2, purl to last 10 sts, using C2, P10.

Cont working in this manner, moving colours by 5 sts in every foll alt row until the row - "Using C2, P5, using C1, purl to end" has been worked.

Using C1 for rem, cont in stocking st until work measures 43cm from beg, ending with a purl row. Cast off loosely.


Using mattress st, join shoulder seams. With RS facing and using 7mm circular needle, knit up 14 sts evenly along left front neck, knit across sts from front stitch-holder, knit up 14 sts evenly along right front neck, knit up 14 sts evenly along right back neck, knit across sts from back stitch-holder, then knit up 14 sts evenly along left back neck ... 66 sts.

1st round - K1, P1, rep from to end.

Rep 2nd round until neckband measures 3cm.

Cast off loosely in rib.


DO NOT PRESS. Using half mattress st, sew in sleeves evenly between coloured threads, placing the centre of sleeves to shoulder seams. Join side and sleeve seams.



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