Printed Paper

Personalise cards, invitations, journals, scrapbooks & more with the beautiful patterned or printed papers here at Spotlight! Shop online or in-store.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Papercraft Answered

Since we are one of the biggest suppliers of crafting materials, it is not uncommon for our team to get some questions about papercraft. To ensure our customers get answers to important papercraft questions immediately, we have answered some of the frequently asked questions about papercraft below.

Which Kind Of Paper Is Best For Papercraft Projects?

Even though most crafters have their own preference where paper is concerned, most crafters prefer to work with cardstock. This kind of paper has countless benefits, ranging from durability to a large range of colours and designs.

When choosing cardstock, you have to look at the GSM - this is the overall weight of the paper. Higher weights tend to mean sturdier cardstock. Of course, higher GSM also means that your paper is more difficult cut and fold. You can also choose cardstock with a lower weight, which is easier to cut and fold, but less sturdy than heavier cardstock.

Do I Need A Printer For Papercraft?

Not everyone uses a printer for papercraft but using one does have its advantages. If you do decide to use a printer for your papercraft projects, always remember you will need a printer that can deal with thicker and sturdier paper such as cardstock.

In general, crafters can use either an inkjet or laser printer for papercraft. Laser printers do tend to be more prone to mistakes, even though they can be more affordable to run. While an inkjet may be a little more expensive to run, it will provide better results as the ink soaks into the page. With laser printers, the ink is more likely to bleed.

What Cutting Tools Are Required For Papercraft?

There are a variation of cutting tools that can be used in papercraft. Evidently, the collection of cutting tools is usually something that is accumulated over time. While you will purchase the basics to start with, more advanced tools can be obtained when you become more proficient.

When you just start out, you need at least a pair of scissors, a craft knife or box cutter, and a self-healing cutting mat. These are usually all the cutting tools you need to get yourself started. Once you start doing more advanced projects, you can purchase advanced tools for papercraft - this may include hole punchers, exchangeable knives, an embossing machine, and more.

How Should I Fold My Papercraft Projects?

Papercraft projects usually require a unique and precise fold. If you want the perfect fold, you will be doing something called 'scoring'. For scoring, you will use the back of a knife, a pen, or even the scoring tool on a paper trimming machine - this enables you to fold the paper with the utmost precision.

There are different variations on the basic scoring method, which can be viewed easily online. There are a variety of tutorial videos created by papercraft enthusiasts, introducing you to new techniques to master your papercraft skills.

What Are The Different Types Of Papercrafts I Can Do?

Papercrafts can be incredibly diverse. Popular papercrafts that you could practice include origami, cardmaking, scrapbooking and more. Below, we have explained the most popular papercrafts.

Cardmaking - During this craft you will be making your own greeting cards. There is something special about handmade cards, especially if you have a lot of creativity.

Scrapbooking - When you do scrapbooking, you will create an album with photographs or artwork, surrounded by embellishments. Most scrapbooks have a certain theme as well, so you can use different kinds of paper and decorations to tie that theme together.

Origami - This type of craft is a unique way of folding paper. Back in school, you have probably done some paper folding yourself. Of course, real origami usually involves folding a piece of paper in a most intricate design.

Buy Your Papercraft Supplies At Spotlight

At Spotlight, you can find a lot of different papercraft supplies. In this section of our catalogue, you will find the finest selection of printed paper. Evidently, we also have other categories with papercraft supplies - this includes cardstock, cutting tools, construction paper, and loads more. If you still need papercraft supplies, be sure to check out our entire catalogue and our amazing prices.



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