Marvel Waterlily Throw Project

Level: Intermediate

What you'll need:

Finished Size

Approx 120 cm x 90 cm


Motifs measure 9.75 cm, using a 4 mm hook.

Note - This throw is made up of individual motifs that are sewn or crocheted together.


Special Stitches

3puff - 3 loop puff: into designated st/sp, work (yoh, insert hook, draw loop through up to height of 3ch) 3 times, yoh and draw through all loops on hook

5puff - 5 loop puff: into designated st/sp, work (yoh, insert hook, draw loop through up to height of 3ch) 5 times, yoh and draw through all loops on hook

Bphtr - back post half treble: work htr around designated st from WS

Bptr - back post treble: work tr around designated st from WS

Cl - cluster: yoh, insert hook into designed st/sp, yoh, draw loop through, yoh, draw through 2 loops on hook, yoh, insert hook in same st/sp, yoh, draw a loop through, yoh, draw through 2 loops on hook, yoh, draw through 3 rem loops on hook.

Dtr - double treble: yoh twice, insert hook into designated st/sp, yoh, draw loop through, (yoh, draw through 2 loops on hook) 3 times.

Motif 1 (Make 12)

Using 4mm hook and M, make a magic ring.

1st round - 1ch (does not count as a st), 8dc in ring, sl st into dc at beg ... 8dc.

2nd round - 3ch (counts as a tr here and throughout), 1tr in same st, 1tr in next st, (2tr, 2ch, 2tr) in next st, 1tr in next st, rep from around, 2tr in same st as starting ch, 1htr in 3rd of 3ch at beg (counts as corner 2ch) ... 20tr, 4 x 2ch sps.

3rd round - 3ch, 1tr in same sp, 2ch, miss next 2 sts, 1tr in next st, 2ch, miss next 2 sts, (2tr, 2ch, 2tr) in next corner 2ch sp, 2ch, miss next 2 sts, 1tr in next st, rep from to last 2 sts, 2ch, miss next 2 sts, 2tr in corner 2ch sp, 1htr in 3rd of 3ch at beg ... 20tr, 12 x 2ch sps.

4th round - 3ch, 1tr in same sp, 2ch, miss next 2 sts, 1htr in next 2ch sp, (1cl, 3ch, 1cl) in next st, 1htr in next 2ch sp, 2ch, miss next 2 sts, (2tr, 2ch, 2tr) in next corner 2ch sp, 2ch, miss next 2 sts, 1htr in next 2ch sp, (1cl, 3ch, 1cl) in next st, 1htr in next 2ch sp, rep from to last 2 sts, 2ch, miss next 2 sts, 2tr in corner 2ch sp, 1htr in 3rd of 3ch at beg ... 16tr, 8cls, 8htr, 4 x 3ch sps, 12 x 2ch sps.

5th round - 4ch (counts as dtr), 1dtr in same sp, 1ch, miss next 2 sts, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next 2ch sp, 1ch, miss next htr and cl, 1htr in next 3ch sp, 1ch, miss next cl and htr, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next 2ch sp, 1ch, miss next 2 sts, (2dtr, 2ch, 2dtr) in next corner 2ch sp, 1ch, miss next 2 sts, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next 2ch sp, 1ch, miss next htr and cl, 1htr in next 3ch sp, 1ch, miss next cl and htr, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next 2ch sp, rep from to last 2 sts, 1ch, miss next 2 sts, 2dtr in corner 2ch sp, 1htr in 3rd of 3ch at beg ... 16dtr, 16cls, 4htr, 8 x 3ch sps, 16 x 1ch sps, 4 x 2ch sps.

6th round - 1ch, 1dc in same sp, 1dc in each of next 2 sts, 1dc in next 1ch sp, 1dc in next st, 2dc in next 3ch sp, (1dc in next st, 1dc in next 1ch sp) twice, 1dc in next st, 2dc in next 3ch sp, 1dc in next st, 1dc in next 1ch sp, 1dc in each of next 2 sts, (1dc, 2ch, 1dc) in next 2ch sp, rep from around, omitting last (1dc, 2ch, 1dc), working instead 1dc in corner 2ch sp, 2ch, sl st into dc at beg.

Fasten off.

Motif 2

(Make 24 of each in C1, C2, C3 and C4 as the waterlily centre of each motif)

Using 4mm hook and C1, make a magic ring.

1st round - 1ch (does not count as a st here and throughout), 8dc in ring, sl st into dc at beg ... 8dc.

2nd round - 1ch, 1htr in same st, 2ch, 1htr in next st, 2ch, rep from around, sl st into htr at beg ... 8htr, 8 x 2ch sps.

3rd round - Sl st into next 2ch sp, 3ch, 3puff in same sp, 3ch, sl st in same sp, miss next st, sl st in next 2ch sp, 3ch, 3puff in same sp, 3ch, sl st in same sp, rep from around ... 8 x 3puffs, 16 x 3ch

4th round - 1ch, 1bphtr around nearest htr of 2nd round, 3ch, 1bphtr around next htr of 2nd round, 3ch, rep from around, sl st into bphtr at beg ... 8bphtr, 8 x 3ch sps.

5th round - Sl st into next 3ch sp, 3ch, 5puff in same sp, 3ch, sl st in same sp, miss next st, sl st in next 3ch sp, 3ch, 5puff in same sp, 3ch, sl st in same sp, rep from around ... 8 x 5puffs, 16 x 3chs.

Using M, 6th round - 1ch, 1bptr around nearest bphtr of 4th round, 4ch, 1bphtr around next bphtr in 4th round, 4ch, 1bptr around next bphtr in 4th round, 4ch, 1bphtr around next bphtr in 4th round, 4ch, rep from around, sl st into bptr at beg ... 4 x bptr, 4 x bphtr, 8 x 4ch sps.

7th round - 3ch (counts as tr), 1tr in same st, 2ch, 1dc in next 4ch sp, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next st, 1dc in next 4ch sp, 2ch, (2tr, 2ch, 2tr) in next st, 2ch, 1dc in next 4ch sp, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next st, 1dc in next 4ch sp, 2ch, rep from around, 2tr in same st as beg ch, 1htr in 3rd of 3ch at beg ... 8 cl, 8dc, 8 16 tr, 12 x 2ch sps.

8th round - 4ch (counts as dtr), 1dtr in same sp, 1ch, miss next 2 sts, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next 2ch sp, 1ch, miss next htr and cl, 1htr in next 3ch sp, 1ch, miss next cl and htr, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next 2ch sp, 1ch, miss next 2 sts, (2dtr, 2ch, 2dtr) in next corner 2ch sp, 1ch, miss next 2 sts, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next 2ch sp, 1ch, miss next htr and cl, 1htr in next 3ch sp, 1ch, miss next cl and htr, (cl, 3ch, cl) in next 2ch sp, rep from to last 2 sts, 1ch, miss next 2 sts, 2dtr in corner 2ch sp, 1htr in 3rd of 3ch at beg ...16dtr, 16cls, 4htr, 8 x 3ch sps, 16 x 1ch sps, 4 x 2ch sps.

9th round - 1ch, 1dc in same sp, 1dc in each of next 2 sts, 1dc in next 1ch sp, 1dc in next st, 2dc in next 3ch sp, (1dc in next st, 1dc in next 1ch sp) twice, 1dc in next st, 2dc in next 3ch sp, 1dc in next st, 1dc in next 1ch sp, 1dc in each of next 2 sts, (1dc, 2ch, 1dc) in next 2ch sp, rep from around, omitting last (1dc, 2ch, 1dc), working instead 1dc in corner 2ch sp, 2ch, sl st into dc at beg.

Fasten off.


DO NOT PRESS. Sew or crochet motifs randomly together in a 12 x 9 grid as pictured. Sew in ends.


Join M in any corner and using 4mm hook, 1st round - work 3ch (counts as tr), 1tr in same sp, 1tr in each st, 1tr in each corner 2ch sp beside seams, 1tr in each seam to next corner, (2tr, 2ch, 2tr) in next corner, rep from around, omitting last (2tr, 2ch, 2tr), working instead 2tr in corner 2ch sp, 1htr in 3rd of 3ch at beg ... 265 tr along long sides, 199 tr along short sides, 4 x 2ch sps.

2nd round - 1ch, 1dc in same sp, 1dc in next st, miss next 2 sts, (cl, 3ch, cl, 3ch, cl) in next st, miss next 2 sts, 1dc in next st, miss next 2 sts, (cl, 3ch, cl, 3ch, cl) in next st, miss next 2 sts, rep from to next corner 2ch sp, (1dc, 2ch, 1dc) in corner 2ch sp, rep from to around, omitting last (1dc, 2ch, 1dc), working instead 1dc in corner 2ch sp, 2ch, sl st into dc at beg ... 44 x (cl, 3ch, cl, 3ch, cl) groups along long sides, 33 x (cl, 3ch, cl, 3ch, cl) groups along short sides, 4 x 2ch sps.

Fasten off.

DO NOT PRESS. Block throw if desired.



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