
Our zipper range is perfect for creating a new piece of clothing & for making some repairs. Discover our collection of haberdashery zips at Spotlight.

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Can I buy zips from Spotlight?

Yes, you can. Whether you are looking to repair a broken zip on one of your favourite garments or looking for the perfect fastener for your new design, we are sure to have the zip for you. A well-executed zip insertion is key to ensure a professional finish quality-made project, so stock up now on our collection of zips at Spotlight's guaranteed low prices.

Which zip should I purchase?

The zip that your purchase depends on what you are planning to do with it and the colour that you are looking for. However, the vast majority of our collection of zips do come in a variety of different colours, so we are sure to have the one that will match your finished piece. Check out our handy guide below for more tips on choosing the perfect zip.

Open-ended Vs Closed-End: Zips can be classified into these two basic types, and the easiest way to tell them apart is just by looking at the ends of the zip and whether one end can be fully opened. If the two halves of the zip can be completely separated from each other, this is an open-ended zip. This tends to be used in projects such as Jackets, hoodies, jumpers, and fleeces. A closed end zip does not open at one end, and are used in projects in which a partial opening is required, such as trousers, jeans, skirts, pockets and purses.

Clothing: Choose your zip in relation to the project that you are making or repairing. For example, we have an Open-Ended Jacket Zip if you are making a jumper or jacket. Alternatively, if you were to hoping to repair your husband's favourite work trousers our Chunky Closed-End Zip may be more suitable, or perhaps the Birch Trouser Zip.

Invisible Zips: An invisible zip is one which has very fine teeth, and it has been designed to be hidden inside the seam. They are used a lot for formal types of clothing, as this helps to prevent any distraction to the flow of the material.

Speciality Zips: We also have a selection of speciality zips available, such as our Birch Sleeping Bag Zip or perhaps our Ball and Stick Zip. Check out our selection above for any unusual zip requests.

How should I attach my zip?

Every zip type has its own application technique, and you always read any instructions carefully to ensure that you are installing yours the right way,

1. One of the most important things when attaching your zip is proper positioning. Marking and basting will ensure that your zip is centred properly, and will also help you to keep your stitching straight.

2. Always buy a zipper that is slightly longer than required. The zipper tab can really get in the way when you are making the final stitches and can even result in some shoddy workmanship. If your zipper is around 2 inches longer than required, the top will be well away from the line of stitching. Once everything has been sewn into place, just simply remove the extra piece for a clean finish.

3. Apply zips to flat pieces, where possible. This will help to make the sewing easier if you can avoid putting the zip in near to side seams or before. It may not always be possible, but when you can, this makes installation significantly easier.

How to unstick a zipper?

There are many to fix a broken zipper, and it all depends on what is wrong with it and the type of zip that has been used. To unstick a zip though, there is some tips and tricks you can try. First, try and remove any foreign bodies using a pair of tweezers. Work the zipper up and down, keep hold of the fabric and patiently wiggle the zip to try and make it come loose. If you are still struggling, you can also try to add a little amount of lubricant, such as petroleum jelly. However, you should ensure that this does not come into contact with the item of clothing. Apply using a tiny amount on a cotton bud to both sides of the zip and then ensure that it has been fully removed after the zip has been opened.



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