Abbey Road Truly Madly Mohair Long Back Jumper Project




To Fits Bust (approx) cm: 75-80 (size S), 85-90 (size M), 95-100 (size L), 105-110 (size XL)
Actual size cm: 114 (size S), 122 (size M), 136 (size L), 144 (size XL)
Back Length (approx) cm: 89 (size S), 90 (size M), 91 (size L), 92 (size XL)
Front Length (approx) cm: 59 (size S), 60 (size M), 61 (size L), 62 (size XL)
Sleeve Length cm: 43 (size S), 43 (size M), 43 (size L), 43 (size XL)


11sts and 14 rows to 10cm over 1 x 1 rib, using 8mm needles, or size required to give correct tension.



Using 8mm needles, cast on 65 (69-77-81) sts loosely.

Beg Lower Band

1st row (RS) - K1, P3, K1, rep from to end.
2nd row - P1, K3, P1, rep from to end.

Last 2 rows form rib. Cont in rib until work measures 7cm from beg ending with a 2nd row, size M and L only - (inc-dec) 2 sts evenly across.

All sizes ... 65 (71-75-81) sts. Beg 1 x 1 Rib

1st row (RS) - K1, P1, K1, rep from to end.
2nd row - P1, K1, P1, rep from to end.

Last 2 rows form 1 x 1 rib. Cont in 1 x 1 rib until work measures 72cm from beg, ending with a 2nd row. Tie a coloured thread at each end of last row to mark beg of armholes as there is no armhole shaping. Cont in 1 x 1 rib until armholes measure 17
(18-19-20) cm, ending with a 2nd row.

Shape Neck and Shoulder Slopes

1st row (RS) - Cast off 3 (4-4-5) sts loosely in rib, rib 20 (21-23-24) (incl st left on needle after cast off), turn.

Cont on these 20 (21-23-24) sts. Keeping 1 x 1 rib correct, cast off 3 (4-4-5) sts loosely in rib at beg of every foll alt row 3 times, AT SAME TIME dec one st at neck edge in every row 6 times ... 5 (3-5-3) sts. Work 1 row rib.

Cast off rem 5 (3-5-3) sts loosely in rib. Slip next 19 (21-21-23) sts onto a stitchholder and leave for neckband. With RS facing, join yarn to rem sts, rib to end.

Cont on these 23 (25-27-29). Cast off 3 (4-4-5) sts loosely in rib at beg of next row, then in every foll alt row 3 times, AT SAME TIME dec one st at neck edge in every row 6 times ... 5 (3-5-3) sts. Work 1 row rib. Cast off rem 5 (3-5-3) sts loosely in rib.


Work as for Back to .

Note - When patt specifies "turn" - proceed as foll to avoid holes in work. Take yarn under needle and onto other side of work, slip next st onto right-hand needle, take yarn under needle and back to original position, slip st back onto left-hand needle, then turn and proceed as instructed in patt.

Beg Turnings

1st row (RS) - K1, P1, K1, turn, rib to end.
3rd row - (K1, P1) 3 times, turn, rib to end.
5th row- (K1, P1) 4 times, K1, turn, rib to end.
7th row - (K1, P1) 6 times, turn, rib to end.
9th row - (K1, P1) 7 times, K1, turn, rib to end.
11th row - (K1, P1) 9 times, turn, rib to end.
13th row - (K1, P1) 10 times, K1, turn, rib to end.
15th row - K1, P1, K1, rep from across all sts to end ... 65 (71-75-81) sts.
Next row (WS) - P1, K1, P1, turn, rib to end.
Next row - (P1, K1) 3 times, turn, rib to end.
Next row - (P1, K1) 4 times, P1, turn, rib to end.
Next row - (P1, K1) 6 times, turn, rib to end.
Next row - (P1, K1) 7 times, P1, turn, rib to end.
Next row - (P1, K1) 9 times, turn, rib to end.
Next row - (P1, K1) 10 times, P1, turn, rib to end.
Next row - P1, K1, P1, rep from across all sts to end ... 65 (71-75-81) sts.

Cont in rib across all sts until side edges of work measure 42cm from beg, working last row on WS. Work as for Back from .


Using 8mm needles, cast on 25 (25-29-29) sts loosely.

Beg Cuff

Work in rib as for lower band of Back until cuff measures 7cm from beg, ending with a 2nd row.

Working in stocking st for rem, inc one st at each end of 3rd row, then in every foll 6th (6th-6th-4th) row until there are 29 (37-33-35) sts, then in every foll 8th (8th-8th-6th) row until there are 37 (39-41-45) sts.

Cont without shaping beg with a purl row, until work measures 43cm from beg, ending with a purl row. Cast off loosely.


Using mattress st, join right shoulder slope seam. With RS facing and using 8mm needles, knit up 7 sts evenly along left side of front neck, knit across 19 (21-21-23) sts from front stitch-holder, knit up 7 sts evenly along right side of front neck, 7 sts evenly along right side of back neck, knit across 19 (21-21-23) sts from back stitch-holder, then
knit up 7 sts evenly along left side of back neck ... 66 (70-70-74) sts.

1st row (WS) - P2, K3, P1, rep from to end.
2nd row - K1, P3, rep from to last 2 sts, K2.

Rep 1st and 2nd rows once, then 1st row once ... 5 rows rib in all. Cast off loosely in rib.


DO NOT PRESS. Using mattress st, join left shoulder and neckband seam. Sew in sleeves evenly between coloured threads, placing centre of sleeves to shoulder seams. Join side and sleeve seams.



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