Acrylic Rugs

Explore the range of soft and beautiful acrylic rugs from Spotlight. Shop stunning acrylic rugs online today and elevate your home.

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Get The Best For Your Home - Choose An Acrylic Rug!

Acrylic rugs can be found in homes throughout New Zealand. Not only do they feel comfortable, they are very durable too. Of course, there are additional benefits associated with acrylic rugs. If you are curious about the advantages of acrylic rugs as well as other rug materials, be sure to check out Spotlight's guide below.

What Are The Advantages Of Acrylic Rugs?

When you have an acrylic rug in your home, you will notice its many benefits immediately. One of the most dominant benefits is the fact an acrylic rug is quite lightweight. When it comes to cleaning your home, moving this rug around becomes a whole lot easier.

Another big benefit of acrylic rugs is the fact it does not hold onto moisture like other materials do. If you have a home with lots of foot traffic, then this is beneficial where maintenance is concerned. On top of that, the material is also resistant against wrinkling and shrinking, which makes washing this rug incredibly easy.

Finally, acrylic rugs are available in the boldest and most unusual colours. As the rug is made with manmade fibres, manufacturers can easily create some amazing designs. Manmade materials are also easy to source, which certainly reflects in the lower price of acrylic rugs.

What Are The Benefits Of Other Rug Materials?

There are plenty of rug materials to take advantage of. Each material has its benefits, so it is important to learn more about these materials to find the best rug for your home. Below, you will find an overview of the most popular rug materials being sold in New Zealand and the rest of the world.

Polyester rugs - Polyester is another manmade material, so the price of this rug is comparable to that of the acrylic rug. Like acrylic rugs, they are resistant to moisture and all kinds of chemicals, which makes their maintenance straightforward.

An additional benefit of the polyester rug is that it has good resistance against sunlight and colour fading. If you have a home with lots of natural sunlight, this could be the recommended material for you.

Natural fibre rugs - Natural fabric fibres are used in textiles as well as rugs and other household items. Common options include cotton and bamboo, but certain blends are possible too. The properties of natural fibres can vary considerably. However, if you have a rug solely made of natural fibres, then there are some general benefits you can count on.

There is nothing quite like the look of a natural fibre rug, as the material creates a structure on the rug that cannot be mimicked with other materials. If you like the look of a natural material, then natural fabric fibre will provide the aesthetic you are after.

Another big benefit of natural fibre rugs is that they are better for the environment. Natural fabric fibres are renewable resources, which reduces the impact they have on the environment overall. If eco-friendliness is a concern to you, then natural fibres is the material for you.

One of the downsides of natural fabric fibres is that they are not as resistant to stains compared to acrylic and polyester materials. They can also be damaged by harsh chemicals, so anyone who has a natural fibre rug needs to take special care maintaining it.

Aside from the tougher maintenance, natural fabric fibres tend to be a lot stronger than artificial materials. Even though polyester and acrylic is already strong, the durability of natural fabric fibre rugs can easily beat them.

Viscose rugs - Viscose is a material referred to as art silk. As you may know already, silk materials can be made from natural fibres as well as artificial fibres. Therefore, the properties of this material is subject to its source fabric fibre.

In most cases, Viscose rugs do have a brilliant anti-static property. As such, these kinds of rugs tend to be used in home with lots of electronics, since they are more susceptible to getting damaged by static. They also have insect resistance, which is brilliant for homes with pets.

On the flipside, Viscose rugs are not as resistant to stains and can be more expensive than the other rugs described in this overview.



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