Circular Baby Play Mat Project

Level: Intermediate


  • 2m of 115cm width decorator fabric for outside layer
  • 2 m of high loft polyester flat quilt wadding
  • Sewing machine
  • Matching thread
  • Hand sewing needle
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • Pins
  • Large piece of paper to draft the pattern at lease 1.1m in width and length. You could tape up multiple pieces of paper to achieve this also.
  • Pencil

The following instructions will draft a baby mat with a width of 1 metre in diameter.


  1. Using your large piece of paper, fold it in half evenly, then fold it in half again, resulting in a quarter fold. Ensure all edges line up evenly. Keeping the paper folded, starting from the corner fold of the paper, measure along and mark 52cm on one side. Now from the same corner in an arc mark 52cm at regular intervals all the way to the other edge side. You will end up with 1/4 of a circle marked. Cut out along line through all layers. Open it up and you have your circular pattern.
  2. Fold your fabric, right sides together, placing your pattern and pinning to the fabric. Cut out two pieces. Pin together and sew all the way around keeping a 30cm opening.
  3. Turn right side out and press ensuring the seams are pressed all the way out.
  4. Refolding your pattern, trim off 2cm from the outer edge of the arc, making a slightly smaller circular pattern.
  5. Cut out a piece of wadding to the size of the smaller circle.
  6. Roll up wadding lengthwise to insert into the sewn fabric circle. Even out and smooth.
  7. Hand sew 30 cm opening closed with a ladder stitch.
  8. Pin through all layers of wadding to keep secure around mat and top stitch on a long stitch 5cm from the seam edge of the mat all the way around. Be slow and steady with this step, you may have to adjust occasionally as all the layers will move. This will keep the wadding in place. Remove pins.
  9. You will have a completed mat.


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