Cord Cat Door Stopper Project



Per door stop

  • .5m of 112cm wide Printed Pinwale cord
  • .1m of 90cm wide calico
  • 200 grams of Hobby fill stuffing
  • 500 grams of Stuffing pellets
  • Matching sewing threads

  • Funnel
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Hand needle
  • Iron
  • Sewing Machine


Note: 1cm seam allowance is used unless specified

  1. Using templates provided, cut 2x body 1x base and 2x tail shapes from pinwale cord. Cut 2x base pieces and a piece measuring 8cm long by 10cm high from calico.
  2. With right sides facing, place the body pieces together. Pin and sew together leaving the base edges open.
  3. Pin base piece to the open base edge of the body right sides facing. Sew the front half of the base piece to the body leaving the back part of the body open. Trim and clip seams and turn body right way out, press.
  4. With right side facing, pin the tail pieces together and sew leaving end open. Trim and clip seam, turn right way out, press. Stuff tail firmly with hobby fill, leaving the last 2cm with no fill.
  5. Pin the base of the tail aligning raw edges to the back center of the body. Sew in place.
  6. Stuff the top two thirds of the body firmly with hobby fill.
  7. To make weighted insert, sew the two shorter ends of the calico piece together, press seam open. Pin one base piece to top of calico sewn piece, sew in place. Pin and sew remaining base piece to calico leaving a 5cm opening for turning out. Trim and clip seams and turn calico right way out, press.
  8. With the help of a funnel, fill calico bag with stuffing pellets. Do not pack too firmly as the bag needs to be flexible to be inserted into cat body. Hand sew or machine sew opening closed.
  9. Insert weighted calico bag into the base of the cat body. Adjust to fit firmly at base of body, adding more hobby fil where necessary to fill the body. With seam allowances to the inside of body, pin opening closed at back base of body. Hand sew opening closed securely.



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